Junghwan Kim, PhD, MUP
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Virginia Tech
Director, Smart Cities for Good
Smart Cities
for Good
Smart Cities for Good (SCG) is a research group that aims to solve urban social and environmental challenges through smart city technologies.
Director: Dr. Junghwan Kim (Virginia Tech)
Current Members:
Shashank Karki (Ph.D. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis Student, Virginia Tech)
Meghan Albritton (Ph.D. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis Student, Virginia Tech)
Gunjan Barua (Ph.D. Geospatial and Environmental Analysis Student, Virginia Tech)
Grace Lee Casado, M.S. (MD Candidate, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine)
Irene Chang (MD Candidate, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine)
Andrea Renshaw (VT Small Grains Breeding Program, Virginia Tech)
Fabiha Rahman (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech)​
Zach Sherman (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech)
Abdul-Azeez Ademola Lawal (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech)
Rory Smith (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech)
Sandesh Sharma-Dulal (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech)
Vaidhyanathan Chandramouli (M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering Student, Virginia Tech)
Sophiya Gyanwali (M.S. Geography Student, Virginia Tech; Now a Ph.D. Student at Arizona State University)
Will Jones (Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech)
Acadia Lewis (Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech)
Nami Jain (Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech)
Meixian Li (Undergraduate Student, UIUC)
Miguel Pires (Undergraduate Student, University of Lisbon)
Previous Members:
Keegan Miller (Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech)
Hardy Siregar (Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech)
Recent Collaborators:​
Dr. Jinhyung Lee (Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, Western University)​
Dr. Kee Moon Jang (Postdoctoral Researcher, Senseable City Lab, MIT)
Dr. Ismini Lourentzou (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech)
Dr. Brendan David-John (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech)
Dr. Gregg Gonsalves (Associate Professor, Yale School of Public Health)
Dr. Benjamin Howell (Assistant Professor, Yale School of Medicine)
Dr. Mengxi Zhang (Assistant Professor, Department of Health Systems and Implementation Science, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine)
Dr. Ruichuan Zhang (Assistant Professor, Myers-Lawson School of Construction, Virginia Tech)
Dr. Michael S. Bloom (Professor, Department of Global and Community Health, George Mason University)
Dr. Tegwyn Brickhouse (Professor, Department of Dental Public Health & Policy, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry)

International Symposium of
Spatiotemporal Data Science, 2024